Exhibition Details

Norman the Snowman - On a Night of Shooting Stars
2018.11.01 - 2019.04.29
Hong Kong Space Museum
Stanley Ho Space Theatre

In the small hours of 13 November 1833, an enormous number of shooting stars, also known as meteors, were witnessed in North America. As many as 20 shooting stars are said to have appeared per second, made a shocking impact on the people. It is still remembered today as the largest meteor shower in modern history. Unfortunately, photography had not been formally invented then so we do not know how accurate the drawing records are.

A boy who is so fascinated by meteor is longing for the meteor shower occurring tomorrow. Unfortunately, it has been snowing in town and the chance to see a meteor is slim. Not discouraged by the clouds and the ridicule of others, the boy decides to leave the town and head towards a place with thinner clouds with his snowman friend Norman.

How would the 1833 Leonid meteor shower look like? Can the pair see meteors at last? In the Sky Show "Norman the Snowman - On a Night of Shooting Stars", a stop motion animation with adorable puppets, you will go on a star-chasing journey and rediscover your beginner's heart of an astrophile under the dome.